
Monday, February 15, 2021

Friends and Foods Don't Mix: Pig Tales Part 6

The only time that pigs had to be separated was when they ate, because Arnold would try and finish up Tillie’s food before she was done. Tillie found ways to deal with this. One day, she grabbed a piece of pumpkin right out from under Arnold’s nose and ran away to a corner. When Brent came with peanuts, she learned to hoover them all up like a vacuum, run to a far corner of her house, then spit them out and eat them at her own pace. 

Ella and Mabel supervised their meal times each day. When they had both had a chance to eat, they would often switch bowls to see if the other pig had left any choice tidbits.

One day in the spring, their lunch included some asparagus stubs. Neither pig thought much of these and left them at the bottom of their bowl. Then, as usual, they traded bowls to check for tasty leftovers. Then, they each discovered that the other pig had left some perfectly delicious asparagus stubs behind, and promptly gobbled them up.

 * Pig Tales Part 6*

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